Our research uses eco-genomics tools to elucidate eco-physiological mechanisms in microbial systems that underpin ecosystem services. Specifically we focus on,
i) eco-physiology of aerobic methylotrophs: bacteria that utilise one-carbon (C1) compounds (i.e. methane, methylated amines)
ii) microbial "functional" diversity and their impact on ecosystem functions (e.g. climate active trace gas cycling, soil and plant health and coupled biogeochemical cycles)
iii) biotechnological potential of aerobic methane-oxidising bacteria (MOB)
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Previous Experience and Qualifications
Professional Memberships
i) eco-physiology of aerobic methylotrophs: bacteria that utilise one-carbon (C1) compounds (i.e. methane, methylated amines)
ii) microbial "functional" diversity and their impact on ecosystem functions (e.g. climate active trace gas cycling, soil and plant health and coupled biogeochemical cycles)
iii) biotechnological potential of aerobic methane-oxidising bacteria (MOB)
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Previous Experience and Qualifications
- Research Assistant Professor, The University of Western Australia, Perth (Australia)
- Senior Research Associate, University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK)
- OCE Postdoctoral Fellow, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart (Australia)
- PhD (Environmental Microbiology), University of Warwick, Coventry (UK)
- MSc (Environmental Science), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (dissertation at University of Florida, USA)
- BSc (Horticulture), Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India
Professional Memberships
- International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME; Young Ambassador for Australia 2015-16)
- American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
- Microbiology Society
- Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM)
- International Society for Subsurface Microbiology
- West Coast Microbiome Network, Perth (Convener/Founding member)